
Since its foundation in 2007, the Interdisciplinary Center for Narrative Research (CNR) at the University of Wuppertal has initiated and coordinated research and teaching on all aspects of narrative from theoretical and systematic, as well as historical and cultural perspectives.

In addition to investigating the various forms of literary and audiovisual narrative found in different genres and media (fictional narrative), CNR research has since 2009 explored the phenomenon of “narrating reality,” focusing on the forms, functions, and effects of factual narratives. Our research practice thus encompasses a wide range of narrative phenomena, ranging from oral storytelling, through ordinary communication, to identity-forming master narratives and collective storytelling.

The poductivity of Wuppertal's CNR is demonstrated not only by numerous publications and research projects, but also by the first open access journal (‘Diamond Standard’) in the field of interdisciplinary narrative research: the bilingual journal DIEGESIS, edited since 2012 by members of the CNR. Moreover, in 2022 the CNR established its first annual Lecture Series on Factual Narrative (Poetikdozentur), in which outstanding practitioners insights into their work.

In recent years the CNR's inter- and transdisciplinary research has focused on the manipulative effects of narratives in public contexts. For its tenth anniversary, the CNR organized a high-profile conference on the relation between narrative and the post-truth and fake news debates. The event led to the formation of new research interests on, for example, toxic and migration narratives, and these are being pursued, among other avenues, within the framework of a collaborative EU Horizon 2020 project. Currently, these recent research initiatives are being further developed in the context of a broad research initiative on the topic of “narrative dynamics,” involving cooperation with other interdisciplinary centers at the University of Wuppertal.

The CNR conducts original research (publications, colloquiums, workshops, conferences, and collaborative projects), and provides key input for literary and cultural studies curricula. Through the Narrative Research Group it also supports young researchers (both PhD candidates and postdocs).

We are part of a national and international network of research centers working closely with scholars from a wide range of disciplines across faculty boundaries. We invite external researchers as associate members to foster exchange and launch new collaborative projects.

If you are interested in our work, or are considering a PhD in narrative research, or if you'd like to become an associate member, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

If you are interested in receiving regular information about CNR activities, you can subscribe to the newsletter here.

At the CNR doctoral students are currently working on dissertation projects with a focus on narrative in several disciplines, including English and American Studies, German Studies, Romance Studies, and Comparative Literature. The research infrastructure of the CNR provides an ideal working environment that offers PhD candidates excellent opportunities for networking across disciplinary boundaries, and fosters independent and self-organized research from an early stage. Our Narrative Research Group encourages PhD candidates, together with postdocs, to plan and realize joint research projects such as workshops and conferences. Moreover, PhD candidates at the CNR benefit from the attractive support program of the University of Wuppertal's Center for Graduate Studies (CGS). This provides advanced training and coaching as well as financial support for research projects and conference travel.

If you are interested in doing your PhD at the CNR, feel free to get in touch.


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